“When all is forgiven, there is nothing to hide,

…and where there is nothing to hide,

…there is nothing to fear.”[1]


When you think of forgiveness, what first comes to mind?

 You hear the word “forgiveness” … in your mind are you the offender or the offended?

 It matters I think…  or does it?

 If we see our self as the offender in the transaction our understanding is clear.  We know precisely the kind of treatment that forgiveness demands.  The offended person should immediately, and without question accept our apology.  They should be as grace-filled as Christ Himself and must express heartfelt gratitude to us for our courage and humility.

 If, on the other hand, we are the offended.  Our expectation is that the offender not just say the words, “I’m sorry, please forgive me.”  They must express it in such a way as to convince us that the words are sincere. 

 You’ll notice that in either case we think, not of our responsibility, but of the responsibility of the other party. 

 For us forgiveness is a matter of you responding to me in a certain way…

For us forgiveness is a matter of you reacting to me in a certain way…

For us forgiveness is more about you than it is about me…

 … we know this is not truth…

 We know that forgiveness, in truth, has little to do with the other person and everything to do with ourselves…

 …regardless of whether we are the offender, or the offended…



…what do you think?

[1] Briscoe, D. S., & Ogilvie, L. J. (1982). Vol. 29: Romans. The Preacher’s Commentary Series (178). Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Inc.