I am a sinner…

That statement typically elicits two types of immediate responses.

The first is a guilt response from those who hate being called “sinners”.  They launch into a rancorous barrage of arguments and accusations…

…sin is a construct made up by narrow-minded, religious bigots in an attempt to suppress joy and enslave the masses…etc…etc…  when they pause to take a breath I remind them that I did not say, “You are… I said “I am…”

The second response comes from the more religious folks who feel the need to loudly proclaim their “position in Christ” …

“…I’m a saint… I’m the righteousness of God in Christ… etc… etc…”

Of course both are true… in their own way and valid discussions to have in certain contexts but that’s not my point…

My point is that I am a sinner…

What I mean by that is this:  Although I have been redeemed from the curse… I have been clothed in Christ… I died and my life is hidden with Christ… there is no therefore no condemnation… and on and on…  even with all this Biblically sound truth the fact of the matter is

…I still find myself struggling to submit certain areas of my life to the Holy Spirit

…I still try to keep God at arm’s length in certain areas of my life – and out of some areas altogether.

…I still find it easier to react in anger when hurt rather than the forgiving grace that Christ demonstrates and calls for.

…I still wear masks, even when around Christian brothers and sisters, fearful of what they will say or do if they see the real me – even though it doesn’t matter in the slightest given God’s overwhelming grace…

Here’s the truth.  Most of us think of salvation in terms of heaven and hell, not in terms of what to do with our money… or our Sunday morning… or our neighbour… or with our hurt, or anger, or joy…  For most of us salvation is a means of determining who is “in” and who is “out” rather than a source of empowered grace.

Why is it so hard to do… to offer what God in Christ has set us free to do and give?

Well basically because He calls me to offer it to you… and you to offer it to me… and while you’re pretty OK… I’m still struggling with this thing called sin…


…just sayin’