Recently I was “introduced” to an email purported to have originated from a pilot.  Perhaps you’ve seen it… been sent it… or sent it yourself.  In the email the pilot expresses in rational, articulate language his fear of Muslims…

The letter itself has an interesting capt_hatprovenance… it actually dates back to late 2001 where it appeared (attributed to a different author in an American newspaper.  It then jumped to the world-wide-web where it has been in circulation for some 13 years.

Rather than provide my personal response to the email let me try to provide what I hope is a pastoral response to some of the issues raised within it.  My initial thought, of course, was what would Christ’s response be…? Maybe I’ll come back to that…

I think what hit me most was the “aroma of fear” I could “smell” as I read.  As I read it seemed so clear to me that the original author (whomever he or she may be) was writing out of a deep and creeping fear (see 2 Timothy 1:7)…

It’s a misplaced fear.

See, the issue is not ethnicity, race, religion or nationality – our fight is not with our brothers and sisters whatever their nationality, creeds, religion or race… the battle we wage is a spiritual one (See Ephesians 6:12).   And if we are losing this battle the blame rests not with politicians, not with immigrants old and new… not with religious extremists…

According to 2 Chronicles 7:14 the fault rests squarely with those who claim to be followers of Christ…  Our nation is in its present condition, fear runs rampant because we (those who claim Christ as Lord) have not humbled ourselves…

…we do not pray…

…we do not seek God’s face…

…we refuse to turn from our self-centred ways…

…we do not respond to each other in love and grace…

…when reviled we revile back…

…when offended we seek to return offense…


We have forgotten the words of our Saviour (Matthew 5:11)… the battle we wage is to be engaged with truth… the good news of shalom… a renewed mind… righteousness… faith… the Word… and above all, prayer (Ephesians 6).

So what would Jesus do?  Precisely what He did…  He would walk into the danger zone with a message of love and hope, grace and healing…  He would take the abuse, the name-calling, the fear and anger and respond with Truth and mercy.. He never once raised a hand to harm another, never wrote a letter much less a book –He had no time too.  He was too busy living it!

And when His oppressors brutally beat Him and nailed Him to a cross one of the last things He said was, “Father, forgive them… they have no idea…”

The truth is Christians have come to the mistaken conclusion that they deserve comfort, safety, ease, even affluence! … and we are more disturbed when these things are threatened than we are by injustice, greed, poverty, pain… which seems so unlike Jesus.


…just sayin’