Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV) – 3 Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

It seems like a lifetime ago when I used to work for a transportation company in Toronto.  We had two-way radios but some of the runs were so far that we’d be out of dispatch range.  Those drivers who drove routes that went out of range were give mobile phones.  It was basically like taking the phone off the wall in your home and carrying it around… we would joke that one day phones would be so small that we’d be in danger of swallowing them in an accidental hiccup.

Maybe that was far-fetched but we were assuming that phones would only ever be used to… you know… make phone calls.

These days it’s easy to get in touch with people.  Getting in touch with God? That’s still hard… or so it seems.  Read your Bible, watch You-Tube, check out the latest denominational or mission magazine and it seems like getting in touch with God is the easiest thing!

…for everyone else…

That’s why I love this verse.

I don’t know if you’re one of those people who love reading manuals.  (I still have manuals for items I no longer own!).  These days manufacturers often include a “Quick Start” Guide.  A simple, easy to read one or two pager that helps you get the product up and running quickly.

We could call Jeremiah 33:3 a “Quick Start Guide” for prayer.

It’s the manual compressed into seven words.

Call Me and I will answer you!

… go ahead

…try it!


…just sayin’